Friday, October 23, 2009

The secret to online success is...(not what you think)

A few months ago, I read a great quote:

"The secret of success is: Find out what people
want and help them get it!" - Harry Browne

Harry Browne was an ultra-successful master
salesman who didn't believe in using shady sales
tactics or deception to make a sale.

He just simply helped people to get what they
want. The money took care of itself.

Think about that quote for a second...

When a company does business online, what do
they want?


Well, sales too... but, they both go hand in hand,

It never ceases to amaze me how many
companies (both big and small) are completely in
the dark when it comes to getting customers

==> Right now... there are multi-million dollar
companies online who have never heard of
starting an affiliate program.

==> Right now... there are 3-team companies
quietly raking in a hefty six-figures per year in
revenue, but they have NO CLUE how to drive
more business.

Ok, I am rambling a bit here.

My point is this...

What if YOU could help these online businesses to
get more customers and boost sales.

For a fee of course.


More about that in just a second.

You see, the fact that you are reading this already
tells me that you are a serious student of Internet

Let me ask you this... Do any of your buddies or
relatives know what an "Affiliate" is?

Can they explain "listbuilding"?

Do they know what a product launch entails?

Do they understand concepts like scarcity and
social proof.

Probably not.

But, I'll bet that you do!

That's why I know you'll be excited about
something that Jeff Walker is releasing today.

And it's all about you using your expertise and
getting paid to help people (and companies) get
what they want.

If you've been online for even a few months, you
should already know who Jeff Walker is.

After all, he's the *go-to* guy responsible for
some of the biggest -- and most successful --
online product launches that you've seen.

Jeff has been a great help to me over the years.
In fact, he interviewed me for the original Product
Launch Formula course way back in 2005.

Aside from teaching thousands of people how to
put together insanely successful product
launches, Jeff has also turned away a lot of

In case you haven't noticed lately, there are A
LOT of product launches taking place.

The scary thing is.... you and I mainly see
products being launched in the Internet Marketing

Meanwhile, there are easily DOZENS of other
launches taking place every week in markets like
forex, online dating, dog training and even cosmetic

The opportunity here is that many people in those
markets have no clue what it takes to pull
together a successful launch, get affiliates, boost
sales, etc.

That's where you and Jeff Walker come in.

Jeff is releasing a new product today. I'm not
going to get into all the details in this email. There
is a great video you can watch that will answer all
your questions:

Basically... if you are interested, Jeff wants to
make you into a Jeff Walker certified product
launch expert.

How is he going to do that?

Well, he's going to give you all the training and
information you need to start *quarterbacking*
product launches for other people.

You become the expert and help other companies
with their launches.

A few months ago, Jeff held a $25K per person
(that's right, 25 grand) workshop and now he is
releasing this information in a home-study format.

In fact, several of his students are already seeing
great results from that workshop. You can see
some of their success stories once you hit the
video page here:

I'm sure you have questions...

What does this thing cost?
Is there some type of guarantee?
How can you find customers?
What kind of dollars can you potentially make?

Jeff goes into more detail and covers alot of
questions in this video:

Disclaimer: If you are the type of person that
jumps from opportunity to opportunity just
because something sounds like the "next sure
thing", I don't know if this is for you.

This does take some work. This is isn't push-
button-profits or anything like that. But, if you are
not afraid to dig in, hustle, make a few phone
calls and send out a few emails... this might be
exactly what you've been waiting for.

Watch this video to get the complete story on
what this is all about:

Personally, I believe that the timing for this
couldn't be better. There is a huge gap between
those companies who want to generate new
sales, launch new products and those who have
the actual knowledge to make it happen.

That's why top copywriters often get paid six
figures (plus royalties) to write a single sales

As any successful smart business person knows...
writing small checks to cash big checks is
smart business.

You can be the conduit to make this happen. Help
companies to get what they want. You get paid a
chunk of cash for doing so.

Go take a look at this while it's still fresh in your

Talk soon,

Jason Potash

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