Thursday, October 23, 2014

$50K a Month?

Time is quickly running out...

Your chance to secure your spot in the #1 business-building course in the world goes away in LESS THAN 48 HOURS. At exactly 11:59PM Pacific tomorrow (Friday, October 24th), doors SLAM SHUT to Amazing Selling Machine... Once these doors close, the course will begin IMMEDIATELY so no exceptions will be made.

Tonight (Thursday) at 8:00PM EDT we'll chat with a few of our past students who are now doing between $50-$100K PER MONTH in sales... Stop by and chat with us! You'll even have the chance to ask them (or even us) any questions you may have. Plus, they'll give you all the details on their unique journeys. Just register now =>

Now, because we're about to close the doors, we've got to start taking down those super helpful videos we shared with you a few weeks ago. If you want to take just one more look at these, do so now... We'll remove them tonight (Thursday) at 11:59PM EST.

In Video 1, we showed you how building your own business could give you a freedom that a regular 9-to-5 could never achieve. Plus, we gave you Profit Spotlight 2.0, a powerful tool that helps you pick the best product to brand and sell. Watch the video below now.

Profit Spotlight 2.0

In Video 2, we told you how packaging can change the value of your product with minimal investment and gave you a great checklist for finding the right manufacturer. Check it out now.

Matt and Jason

In Video 3, we gave you the EXACT things you should focus on when adding your product to Amazon (or anywhere else) such as images and product descriptions. And we gave you a blueprint to guide you through this process.

Matt and Jason

Finally, in Video 4, we introduced you to the step-by-step PROVEN course we built that has helped launch hundreds of physical products businesses. Watch it now.

Matt and Jason

So be sure to watch any of them that you might have missed and grab any of the giveaways you don't currently have before we take them down tonight.

(NOTE: Video 4 shows you everything you get when you grab your Amazing Selling Machine Builder's Kit. Watch it now and grab your spot (before it's TOO LATE)).

And come hang with us tonight during the Google Hangout. We'd LOVE to answer any questions you might have. =>

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