Friday, December 4, 2015

[Case Study] 48% opt-in hack & the MAFIA

Happy Friday!

Don't you love it when you can hack someone else's hard work for your gain?

Exhibit A…

A couple of friends just told me that after split-testing 3 different landing pages this week, THIS (stripped-down) version beat out all the rest…

...with a whopping 48% opt-in rate (woohoo!)

Less information on a landing page = better conversion?

Counter-intuitive, isn't it?

But, that's not even the most exciting part…

Once you visit this 48% conversion landing page, I know you'll want to opt-in and watch these 2 videos too.


Because this blueprint you are about to discover for free… was shared by these same two guys during a private one-hour phone consultation.

(true story. I am not making this stuff up.)

As a result of that little chat, I immediately…

DOUBLED my profits that same month.


It's about using leverage, automation… building "smart" systems (& acting like the MAFIA) to get stellar results in your business.

… and using this proven formula to get more people to buy whatever it is you are selling.

Isn't that the end goal of EVERY online business?

That's why I strongly recommend that you take a few minutes right now and watch these videos.

This is especially timely and important info... as you start to map out your big biz plans for 2016.

Talk to you soon,


P.S. Don't feel like reading this email? That's ok. Just go here and pick apart this landing page that's getting a cool 48% conversion rate. You'll want to opt-in there too because the video content is killer.



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