Saturday, November 6, 2010

You have 64 friends with birthdays this week

Hi ''-Anne,
You have 64 friends with birthdays in the next week. Help them celebrate!
Monday, November 8th
Garino PanchidoGarino Panchido
Write on his Wall
Gavin BoschGavin Bosch
Write on his Wall
Jelenin SmorJelenin Smor
28 years old · Write on his Wall
Emanuel PereyraEmanuel Pereyra
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Crni ŠvercerCrni Švercer
28 years old · Write on his Wall
Guillermo Horacio MarisGuillermo Horacio Maris
61 years old · Write on his Wall
Robin HaynesRobin Haynes
Write on her Wall
Will MurrayWill Murray
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Gp Telan CapuchinoGp Telan Capuchino
Write on his Wall
Ronald DoRonald Do
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Agante NunoAgante Nuno
30 years old · Write on his Wall
Tuesday, November 9th
Glenn A HamiltonGlenn A Hamilton
29 years old · Write on his Wall
Eduardo Ignacio Araya CubaEduardo Ignacio Araya Cuba
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Leon MoraLeon Mora
41 years old · Write on his Wall
Facundo YannielloFacundo Yanniello
16 years old · Write on his Wall
Nell EsquivelNell Esquivel
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Jorge DeloyaJorge Deloya
Write on his Wall
Bashly Kenneth JohnBashly Kenneth John
17 years old · Write on his Wall
Angie AndersonAngie Anderson
26 years old · Write on her Wall
Wednesday, November 10th
Gene WitsmanGene Witsman
Write on his Wall
Germán Fco Martínez NavarroGermán Fco Martínez Navarro
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Stan VillaStan Villa
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Juan Jose RosasJuan Jose Rosas
32 years old · Write on his Wall
Tellub FoorpTellub Foorp
Write on his Wall
Josefa CaredeJosefa Carede
24 years old · Write on her Wall
Stan Mike D ReyesStan Mike D Reyes
25 years old · Write on her Wall
Matty SuterzMatty Suterz
19 years old · Write on his Wall
Juan Jose Rosas BarreraJuan Jose Rosas Barrera
32 years old · Write on his Wall
Thursday, November 11th
Alain PiroutekAlain Piroutek
16 years old · Write on his Wall
George WashGeorge Wash
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Fufui B. TugtenFufui B. Tugten
Write on his Wall
Pitxi TxilioPitxi Txilio
40 years old · Write on his Wall
Brian PaulBrian Paul
35 years old · Write on his Wall
Bunny HagenBunny Hagen
Write on her Wall
Tex WolfeTex Wolfe
24 years old · Write on his Wall
David AlfaroDavid Alfaro
30 years old · Write on his Wall
Naveed SalehNaveed Saleh
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Rolf Tobias AtzeRolf Tobias Atze
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Trish GoodwinTrish Goodwin
42 years old · Write on her Wall
Joshua Paulo ElepañoJoshua Paulo Elepaño
16 years old · Write on his Wall
Lloyd HammerLloyd Hammer
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Kevin PivaralKevin Pivaral
18 years old · Write on his Wall
Marcelo AndradeMarcelo Andrade
41 years old · Write on his Wall
Gabriel MonroyGabriel Monroy
30 years old · Write on her Wall
Tony RomTony Rom
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Friday, November 12th
Joey Frances CantoJoey Frances Canto
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Sherlock HomesSherlock Homes
19 years old · Write on his Wall
Ana SilovAna Silov
35 years old · Write on her Wall
Retribute RetributionRetribute Retribution
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Eiður Þridji ÞórssonEiður Þridji Þórsson
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Perez G. FabianPerez G. Fabian
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Saturday, November 13th
Mario MoncadaMario Moncada
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Ravi Teja DanduRavi Teja Dandu
22 years old · Write on his Wall
Diamond JamisonDiamond Jamison
23 years old · Write on her Wall
Gonzalo GómezGonzalo Gómez
24 years old · Write on his Wall
Jenny ShaneJenny Shane
32 years old · Write on her Wall
Christopher Jon WatsonChristopher Jon Watson
43 years old · Write on his Wall
Dragunov Counter StrikeDragunov Counter Strike
Write on his Wall
Lydia GordonLydia Gordon
24 years old · Write on her Wall
Rosa De La TorreRosa De La Torre
45 years old · Write on her Wall
Sunday, November 14th
Hilde BraathenHilde Braathen
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Bryant Bee BradfordBryant Bee Bradford
Write on his Wall
Stephen LawsonStephen Lawson
Write on his Wall
Fikri KacakFikri Kacak
27 years old · Write on his Wall
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