Saturday, December 4, 2010

You have 46 friends with birthdays this week

Hi Anne,
You have 46 friends with birthdays in the next week. Help them celebrate!
Monday, December 6th
Donalee GasterDonalee Gaster
52 years old · Write on her Wall
Don PetrichollettDon Petrichollett
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Marino Enmanuel Martinez SalvadorMarino Enmanuel Martinez Salvador
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Labid MynameLabid Myname
18 years old · Write on his Wall
Malindha AmunugamaMalindha Amunugama
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Ibnu AbdurrasyidinIbnu Abdurrasyidin
Write on his Wall
Syed Azli Al-YahyaSyed Azli Al-Yahya
28 years old · Write on his Wall
Tuesday, December 7th
John SmithJohn Smith
Write on his Wall
Turon RonTuron Ron
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Dex KwanDex Kwan
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Ron TenRon Ten
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Gary RhodesGary Rhodes
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Thomas NorthamThomas Northam
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Misty FloresMisty Flores
37 years old · Write on her Wall
Borja PicardoBorja Picardo
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Terry DowdenTerry Dowden
Write on his Wall
Drone KingDrone King
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Wednesday, December 8th
Zeke BonoZeke Bono
28 years old · Write on his Wall
Bessie FullerBessie Fuller
25 years old · Write on her Wall
''-aAron Chu''-aAron Chu
22 years old · Write on his Wall
Sebastian GarciaSebastian Garcia
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Thursday, December 9th
Esteban Salinas RuedaEsteban Salinas Rueda
33 years old · Write on his Wall
Renia KorakaRenia Koraka
Write on Renia's Wall
Ahmed RawyAhmed Rawy
32 years old · Write on his Wall
David SantosDavid Santos
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Xian ZerrudoXian Zerrudo
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Bubba BennettBubba Bennett
54 years old · Write on his Wall
Friday, December 10th
Trond Arild BryntesenTrond Arild Bryntesen
38 years old · Write on his Wall
Cordell BrewerCordell Brewer
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Jorge SanchezJorge Sanchez
30 years old · Write on his Wall
Fabrizio BrassiFabrizio Brassi
26 years old · Write on his Wall
Tony DahlmanTony Dahlman
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Kurnain IrawanKurnain Irawan
Write on his Wall
Themax WithuThemax Withu
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Saturday, December 11th
Ruben MartinRuben Martin
40 years old · Write on his Wall
Argia Matruglio Bianca MwArgia Matruglio Bianca Mw
Write on her Wall
Vivian WhitfieldVivian Whitfield
26 years old · Write on her Wall
William MenzelWilliam Menzel
27 years old · Write on his Wall
Hailey SmithHailey Smith
24 years old · Write on her Wall
Sunday, December 12th
Francis SinatraFrancis Sinatra
95 years old · Write on his Wall
Winston AlcarazWinston Alcaraz
26 years old · Write on his Wall
Jose Jesus Herbas PereyraJose Jesus Herbas Pereyra
22 years old · Write on his Wall
Eduardo Jb Villarreal BerumenEduardo Jb Villarreal Berumen
Write on his Wall
Kalev TambetKalev Tambet
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Willy SalanWilly Salan
23 years old · Write on his Wall
David FriedelDavid Friedel
54 years old · Write on his Wall
You can also use Facebook to plan a special birthday event.
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