Saturday, December 18, 2010

You have 49 friends with birthdays this week

Hi Anne,
You have 49 friends with birthdays in the next week. Help them celebrate!
Monday, December 20th
Srihari HariSrihari Hari
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Mshabir KOsMshabir KOs
26 years old · Write on his Wall
Pingocho DraiferPingocho Draifer
15 years old · Write on his Wall
Rene LoayzaRene Loayza
Write on his Wall
Brainiac ShaqBrainiac Shaq
24 years old · Write on his Wall
Dominik HartwichDominik Hartwich
35 years old · Write on his Wall
Jencel PartsJencel Parts
29 years old · Write on his Wall
Corey MayoCorey Mayo
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Tuesday, December 21st
Dzul ファカ Joll KipliDzul ファカ Joll Kipli
Write on his Wall
Timur  ZakirovTimur Zakirov
22 years old · Write on his Wall
Randy ObertRandy Obert
50 years old · Write on his Wall
Ed BeeEd Bee
43 years old · Write on his Wall
Luis David Diaz ZamoraLuis David Diaz Zamora
Write on his Wall
Aleja La Abeja GoreAleja La Abeja Gore
Write on her Wall
Wednesday, December 22nd
Joselu Tejada CumbreraJoselu Tejada Cumbrera
15 years old · Write on his Wall
Hardy SinghHardy Singh
40 years old · Write on his Wall
Thursday, December 23rd
Randy Mixon Jr.Randy Mixon Jr.
35 years old · Write on his Wall
Quoc NguyenQuoc Nguyen
32 years old · Write on his Wall
Ces Salvador LozanoCes Salvador Lozano
21 years old · Write on her Wall
Deborah EllitsonDeborah Ellitson
43 years old · Write on her Wall
Georgi Dilkov GeorgievGeorgi Dilkov Georgiev
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Karlis SalinsKarlis Salins
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Francis ButcherFrancis Butcher
Write on his Wall
Carlos FernandezCarlos Fernandez
Write on his Wall
Friday, December 24th
Fyan RiversFyan Rivers
Write on his Wall
Kristjan KiristajaKristjan Kiristaja
18 years old · Write on his Wall
Richic WanRichic Wan
28 years old · Write on his Wall
'Ivetta Futet'Ivetta Futet
36 years old · Write on her Wall
Mohammad Sufyan SamhudinMohammad Sufyan Samhudin
Write on his Wall
Saturday, December 25th
Pete FrahmPete Frahm
Write on his Wall
Mike DennisonMike Dennison
Write on his Wall
No RulesNo Rules
15 years old · Write on his Wall
Kenzaki Uehara AchmadKenzaki Uehara Achmad
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Putri KeratonPutri Keraton
24 years old · Write on her Wall
Deborah SappDeborah Sapp
Write on her Wall
Mike KiwiguyMike Kiwiguy
45 years old · Write on his Wall
Aaron CalibreAaron Calibre
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Emily DanielsEmily Daniels
25 years old · Write on her Wall
Markx LooterMarkx Looter
28 years old · Write on his Wall
Kenzaki RyuuseiKenzaki Ryuusei
29 years old · Write on his Wall
Ezequiel ZlachevskyEzequiel Zlachevsky
Write on his Wall
Tess DubervilleTess Duberville
23 years old · Write on her Wall
Heaven SentHeaven Sent
Write on her Wall
Sunday, December 26th
Dedy IsfanariDedy Isfanari
Write on his Wall
''Christos Papadopoulos''Christos Papadopoulos
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Tommy MustaniemiTommy Mustaniemi
42 years old · Write on his Wall
Wendyll ZhuWendyll Zhu
Write on her Wall
Carlos CastilloCarlos Castillo
30 years old · Write on his Wall
Sebastian EcheverrySebastian Echeverry
25 years old · Write on his Wall
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