Saturday, April 9, 2011

You have 47 friends with birthdays this week

Hi Anne,
You have 47 friends with birthdays in the next week. Help them celebrate!
Monday, April 11th
Християн ШентовХристиян Шентов
34 years old · Write on his Wall
Geiselle GartaneauGeiselle Gartaneau
18 years old · Write on her Wall
Mikeymike TheRock BatoMikeymike TheRock Bato
Write on his Wall
Jorhans AlexisJorhans Alexis
16 years old · Write on his Wall
Daemon AngylDaemon Angyl
Write on his Wall
Mario Fernandez GonzalezMario Fernandez Gonzalez
16 years old · Write on his Wall
Kapil BaserKapil Baser
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Tuesday, April 12th
Peter PetersonPeter Peterson
35 years old · Write on his Wall
Tom RekerTom Reker
40 years old · Write on his Wall
Roger Alejandro Canul CastilloRoger Alejandro Canul Castillo
Write on his Wall
Tim WozTim Woz
37 years old · Write on his Wall
Tim WoznyTim Wozny
Write on his Wall
Hernan ReinosoHernan Reinoso
40 years old · Write on his Wall
Wednesday, April 13th
Matias IturburuMatias Iturburu
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Drew VanArmanDrew VanArman
34 years old · Write on his Wall
Gaston ArduinoGaston Arduino
20 years old · Write on his Wall
Daniel MillanDaniel Millan
17 years old · Write on his Wall
Guy FawkesGuy Fawkes
Write on his Wall
Jill McCorkendaleJill McCorkendale
27 years old · Write on her Wall
Thursday, April 14th
Zafar UzSwatZafar UzSwat
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Bam MendozaBam Mendoza
Write on his Wall
Dun DalkDun Dalk
38 years old · Write on her Wall
Danny PearsonDanny Pearson
29 years old · Write on his Wall
Lars GaimesLars Gaimes
33 years old · Write on his Wall
Che Che McLeanChe Che McLean
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Friday, April 15th
Amfia RawAmfia Raw
22 years old · Write on her Wall
Steven RojasSteven Rojas
Write on his Wall
Dean MartinDean Martin
39 years old · Write on his Wall
Larry AubryLarry Aubry
Write on his Wall
Miquel SalvaMiquel Salva
38 years old · Write on his Wall
Danh ThaiDanh Thai
32 years old · Write on his Wall
Tarinder Pal SinghTarinder Pal Singh
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Sanyasi KumarSanyasi Kumar
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Saturday, April 16th
Krishna ChallawarKrishna Challawar
26 years old · Write on his Wall
Thanh HuuThanh Huu
24 years old · Write on his Wall
Vikas SofatVikas Sofat
Write on his Wall
Rodger NicholsonRodger Nicholson
43 years old · Write on his Wall
Sunday, April 17th
Jorge Daniel Rodriguez PortilloJorge Daniel Rodriguez Portillo
36 years old · Write on his Wall
Trifaux GenioTrifaux Genio
25 years old · Write on his Wall
Annelies VerschuereAnnelies Verschuere
31 years old · Write on her Wall
Asteriks PericAsteriks Peric
31 years old · Write on his Wall
Stormrage IllidanStormrage Illidan
23 years old · Write on his Wall
Hiroshi よじろうHiroshi よじろう
24 years old · Write on his Wall
Lauya IgadoLauya Igado
21 years old · Write on his Wall
Albert PerAlbert Per
50 years old · Write on his Wall
Nathan JonesNathan Jones
34 years old · Write on his Wall
Daniel PerezDaniel Perez
36 years old · Write on his Wall
You can also use Facebook to plan a special birthday event.
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