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Note: The daily spin is limited to each player. Any EODians have the right to remove you from the list "personally" if you are not found as daily contributor here. Your post in here is for everyone to decide. Nothing personal..
Latest List : 04/05/2011
100000480533019, Dak Zam
578564919, Zaironnie Erman
1435068155, Mohd Airie
100000768783545, Ezham Zukhairy
100000460167736, Matt John
1024237196, Roy Paijoe
678734400, Hafez Hanafiah
100000926115861, Asyraf Azlong
1433337020, Zalwani Aida
100001047018207, Wan Pearl
1768820806, Muhamad Ayisy
100000234093527, 'Spark Zarith
100000369866620, 'swat' Ferrashi
100000328472800, Dzul Kefli
1062360386, Mohd Nasril Nizam
1852023324, Ismail Fathan
100000329932514, Lamia Terlampau
1439630361, Eastmax Ulam Raja
1498001593, Cdie Phatz
100000153424203, Harimau Selatan
1015779739, Haizel Fitri
1060741069, Hman Low
1682547737, Kowaru San
100000440880340, Azie Spicizze
711794542, Muhd Zamri
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