Friday, December 9, 2011

How I STALKED this *master* Affiliate marketer...

Is what I did *that* creepy? I dunno.
Read below and you tell me.

Here's what this is all about...

If your commissions & sales currently
...well ...kinda SUCK, there's an
obvious reason why. You need:


Easy to fix though.

Before you go chasing some other
*hair-brained* get-traffic scheme,
loophole or software -- from some guru
wannabe -- it's time for you to meet
the master...

A very good friend of mine (and
stalker victim), Jeff Johnson,
CRUSHES it as an Affiliate marketer
and gets more free traffic than
anybody I know.

Seriously. The guy is a machine.

Today (Dec 9th), he is opening the doors
to a brand new traffic-getting club.

(Keep reading to check out my BIG bonus)

Here's a *rare* opportunity for you to
get under his wing and tap into the
same tactics and strategies that Jeff
uses to generate INSANE amounts of
traffic and Affiliate commissions.

Best part?

==> You *won't* have to STALK him. haha

(more about that in a second...)

Are you a newbie just starting out?

Or, do you have a few miles under you?

Regardless of where you are... if you
are anxious to get better results
online, and willing to do *exactly* what
Jeff tells you... you will see amazing
things happen.

Just like the THOUSANDS of people who
Jeff has already helped.

For more details on what this is all

==> Watch this video

Quick (completely true) story...

Did you know?

Many years ago, I kinda stalked Jeff.

Long story short, I ended up inviting
myself to his place just to get
inside his brain.

It was only supposed to be for one
day, but Michigan got hit real
hard and I was snowed in!

As a result of that little visit, I
pocketed THOUSANDS of dollars in
AdSense checks based on free traffic.

Just imagine the impact Jeff will
have on your traffic and income once
you grab a spot inside his new
program here.

I always happily endorse Jeff 100%
because he is the *real* deal, with a
proven track record and always delivers
the goods. A true master that you can

I urge you to get inside while spots
are still available.

Jason Potash

P.S. When you join Jeff's new program,
be sure to order using my link...

... and then, send me a copy of your
receipt to:

Once you do, I will set you up with
3-month access to my traffic-getting
service Traffic Kaboom (worth $197).

PLUS, you'll get access to my new
*top-secret* software (codename: TR).

It's still in Beta, but you'll get a
copy (and 6-month access) as soon as
it's ready -- a *real* $762 value.

P.P.S. Imagine IMMUNITY from Google. If
you are like me, it's frustrating when
Google shakes things up very 3 months.
Jeff will show you how to tap into plenty
of other traffic sources without
risking your entire business on big
ol' G. Go here to get started...

Archon Media, 2100 West Loop South Suite 900, Houston, Texas 77027

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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