Sunday, March 25, 2018

Clothes Steamers at Bed Bath and Beyond

There are a lot of fabric steamers for, too. They can be used to smooth out sheets, pillowcases, and anything else that's made out of fabric and needs tidying up. So you're investing in a device that will help you not only make your clothes look great but your house, too! Cloth steamers are essentially the same as the ones you see being used at your local tailor shop or even at clothing retailers. They tend to have large water tanks, can produce continuous steam for a long time, and are perfect for home use. 

SteamFast SF-407

The SF-407 is by far one of our favorite stand-up steamers. It has a large water capacity, heats up very SteamFast SF-407 Fabric Steamer Review quickly, and is extremely easy to use. It's adjustable to different heights, powers through wrinkles, and provides a lot of value for your money.

Elite Garment Steamer by PurSteam

Another one of our top-rated steamers is the Elite Garment Steamer. Honestly, this unit is probably tied for first with the SF, but we had to pick one or the other! It's an awesome machine with a sleek design, huge water tank, fast heating, an impressive construction, and more.

SteamFast SF-510

SteamFast rounds off our top three picks with their SF-510 steamer. This device isn't quite as good as the 407, but it's still a decent steamer for the price. It works well, has a decent size tank for water, gets water up to a luscious steam quickly, and works well against wrinkles.

Best Portable Models

Portable steamers are all the rage these days. With everyone leading extremely busy lives and working jobs that have them flying from city to city, having a more compact and leatest technlogy durable version of a steamer for making clothes look fantastic is an increasingly popular concept. That's why handheld steamers were created. Below you'll find our three favorite compact steamers. Â PurSteam 850 Watt Fabric Steamer.

Epica 800 Watt Handheld Steamer

Epica has gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to developing a highly effective, reliable, and affordable portable steamer. Their 800-watt handheld model is easily one of the best models we've ever tested. It creates steam fast, lasts longer than most other compacts, and is a perfect size for travel. 

PurSteam 850 Watt Compact Steamer

PurSteam is a company that focuses primarily on the creation of garment steamers, and their portable model is a testimonial to their dedication to steaming. It's a great tool that's made well, steams up fast, gives off a nice even steam, and it's durable.

Conair Extreme Steam Fabric Steamer

Conair makes possibly one of the most interesting looking handheld steamers known to man. The Extreme Steam steamer is an impressive little machine. It doesn't quite match the quality and capabilities of the Epica or the PurSteam, but it works fairly well, is easy to use, and is affordable.

How Does it Work?

Believe it or not, the mechanics of a clothes steamer are very simple. All you have to do is fill up the reservoir with regular tap water (you can use distilled if you prefer), turn the machine on, the steamer will then heat up the water to a temperature high enough that it turns into steam. The steam then travels up the handle or hose and out of the hole and holes of the unit. [embed][/embed]

Clothes Steamer

Once you see steam exiting the device you simply need to direct the steam toward your clothing. It's usually easiest to have your clothes hanging up to do this. Then you just start from the top and slowly maneuver the steamer down the clothing item. The steam releases wrinkles and creases very quickly. Even if you SUCK at ironing, you will ROCK at steaming. Anyone can do it and make their clothes look awesome. This is because the steamer very quickly gets rid or wrinkles and, due to its design, it will not leave odd creases that make your clothes look like they were ironed by an amateur.

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