Thursday, January 17, 2019

A WARNING about "You're one funnel away"...

I'm sure you've heard this tagline used by Russell Brunson...

"You're just one funnel away"

Don't get me wrong...

I have the utmost respect for Russell. Great guy!

This email is NOT an attack on his methods or products.

This is a "Read The Warning Label" email...


You ARE one funnel away from a major breakthrough in your business.


On the flipside...

To the non-ninja-level Digital Marketer...

You are also one funnel away from LOSING your shirt... and fast.


On a poorly planned & optimized funnel.

One of my favorite quotes...

"The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand." - Sun Tzu

Which type of "General" are you?

You see... in 2019 Facebook advertising is not the place for luck or guesswork.

Gone are the days of slapping-together a funnel and making a killing on Day 1.

Today, you must have a clear understanding of your funnel model (a.k.a battle plan).

... by creating a funnel visualization & simulation to see how traffic will flow through your funnel... and turn into opt-ins, appointments and sales.

In other words... what metrics and steps will it take for you to turn $1.28 clicks into profit?

The only way to do that is...

Option 1: Build some CPA-level (super-sophisticated) spreadsheet & whiteboard funnel

Option 2: Use GERU and don't stress

A couple days ago... we just announced a 3-pay option for Lifetime access to GERU "The Funnel Simulator".

Before we switch over to $79/mo pricing... you can still get this Lifetime Deal before midnight.

Note: Use this is a DIRECT (private) link to go to the checkout page.

If you want to see an overview of what GERU does, visit the homepage here.

In summary...

Yes. You ARE one funnel away.

The question is...

One funnel away from... "What" outcome?

Will your next funnel... ROCK... or flop?

To get a grip on your funnel's profit-potential through better planning and modelling... sign up with GERU before this deal is gone.

Talk to you soon,

Jason (the profitable-funnel-planner) Potash

P.S. I've been answering your questions all week. One person commented, "Jason, GERU looks complicated".

It can be. It depends on your funnel. You can keep things simple... or really go-to-town and map out 4 upsells, 3 downsells, dynamic (dual-path) 18-part email or Chatbot or SMS followups and all the conversion % and $ metrics that go along with it. Keep it basic or detailed (complex). It's your choice.

Still undecided? You can give GERU a try for 30-days and then make a final decision on whether you want to keep it.




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