Monday, January 7, 2019

[READ] 1 weird success hack that works...

Sometimes strange things happen...

For example.

Have you ever thought of someone...

...and one-minute later they TEXT you?



Or something deeper happening in the universe.

(... don't worry, I'm not about to get all woo-woo on you here)

Visualization is a powerful thing.

What you think, you become.

More success with your relationships... goals... finances... health...

AND your business.

I want to encourage you to think of a number.

Write down one revenue target for this month.

Another revenue target for this year.

Go ahead.

Make it a BIG one -- outside of your comfort zone.

(... easy there. Let's not get too crazy, ok?)

Next step?

Reverse-engineer (work backwards) how you will get there.

What will you sell?

What price... how many units?

How will you sell it?

Lead magnet --> one time offer --> upsell...

Facebooks ads or YouTube?

What numbers do you need... to hit your monthly target?

Plan out a worst case scenario and best case scenario.

You gotta be realistic, right?

If you land somewhere in the middle... it's all good.

In summary...

You already know that planning is a key component to your success online.

You know you should do more of it...

But... sometimes life gets in the way.

I get it.

Well... Today is a new day.

Ready to start?

To make things easier, this handy software will help you...

Talk to you soon,

Jason "Big Plans" Potash

P.S. Don't know about you... I'm still ironing out my 2019 plans. For me, it's not a 1-day exercise. It's not a race. There's no deadline. You just gotta do it. Here's hoping that all your big plans for 2019 come true. :-)

P.P.S. Since you are probably on email overload (like most people), if you missed this yesterday... I would urge you to download this new PDF Report and give it a quick read today... it will only take you 6 minutes.

Eye-opening stuff. You'll see.



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